Well, at Monday's doctor appointment, Kim and I went in thinking we'd be out in a few minutes. After passing the non-stress test, we had the blood pressure checked... again, was high. So, the other doctor I was seeing that day, banned me to the hospital for observation. We immediately went there, despite my wishes, and got admitted. I survived the IV and had to have a 24-hour urine test... fun times. They also checked my blood for protein levels that would show signs of preeclampsia.
Thankfully, 1.5 days later, I got released. My doctor was on call this morning and explained that I was as borderline as possible to having to be induced early and stay until we had Gage. Praise God, I passed again!
So, the game plan is the following: Non-stress test on Saturday, January 2 at the hospital... like we did last week. I'm really hoping to pass, because if I don't we'll be admitted again, and I'll likely have him this weekend. The other doctor is on call, so I pray she passes me, so my doc can do the delivery. If I pass, we go in on Monday, January 4 for a regular doc appointment and have the same test/blood pressure taken. If things are crazy high, he'll induce me right away. If not, we'll schedule my induction for later in the week when I'm 37 weeks (full term). It will likely be on January 7. I'll update this with the specifics once I know more.
Please pray we pass on Saturday by having a good blood pressure. If we make it to Sunday, we'll be in the clear to get delivered by my doc, which is what we both REALLY want. Plus, it'd mean Gage was able to cook a little longer.
We are so excited to meet him and have a game plan. So, he'll likely be here in one week. I can't wait to hold him in my arms!
We're thrilled Gage passed his test yesterday and my blood pressure was miraculously down! Yeah! Got to go home... back to bed rest and hoping he doesn't grace us with his presence for a while... another appointment tomorrow to see.
Thanks for the prayers!
Thanks for the prayers!
35 weeks; Merry Christmas Eve!
Well, life on bed rest has been quite boring, but the first four weeks have gone much faster than thought. My mom drops in and helps me at least once a week, and my fabulous coworkers stop by weekly for lunch and socializing. Kim's been SUPERMAN with keeping up on all the laundry, dinner, cleaning, etc. He's been unbelievable, as I knew he would.
For the past four weeks, I have a doctor's appointment twice weekly and a nonstress test. This is just where they place the contraction and heartbeat belts on your stomach and watch his movement and how it cooresponds to his heart rate. Gage will be moving around like CRAZY, and once they put the monitors on me, he completely stops and moves so far back that they have to have a nurse hold them or wait forever for him to cooperate. So, we think he's going to be quite stubborn. On December 21, we almost didn't pass. Gage just didn't cooperate at all! :) Almost got sent to the hospital, but he finally passed after an hour and a half (usually takes 10-15 minutes).
I've started having a few Braxton Hicks contractions the past few days and am extremely uncomfortable, but that all comes with the territory. And, I welcome it! My blood pressure has been great one day and awful the next. It's just really sensitive, so the bed rest is still a must.
This morning, Kim and I went in for our 35-week appointment at 10a.m. and left shocked. My blood pressure was the highest it's ever been, even though it was normal on Monday. That, coupled with my confessions of nauseauness, blurred vision and headaches I've had the past three days made the doctor really think things through. Long story very short... my blood work came back good, so I still don't have toxemia. However, since it's so sensitive and given the fact that my body is starting to 'get ready for labor' (I'll spare you the details), my doc said we need to prepare ourself for anything. I have to go and get another non-stress test on Saturday in the labor and delivery area of the hospital. If I pass, I'll leave, and we just wait around like normal for Gage's arrival. If we don't pass the test, or if my blood pressure is again high, I'll be admitted for observation. Not sure if that means I won't leave until we have him or not.
With things 'working' and my blood pressure, we may not. I'm freaking out at the fact my son may come 4-5 weeks early, but I'm also trying to chill out and realize that it could be a while longer. Regardless, we're a little shocked. I'm personally nervous for Gage's health and development, but I know he will be fine.
Just hoping to enjoy Christmas tomorrow and learn to deal with what's dealt on Saturday... more news to come. We'd appreciate the prayers! Thanks!
32 weeks brings me a shock
On Monday, November 29, 2009, I go to the doctor for a normal check-up and realize my blood pressure had majorly gone up to 146/90... that's very high for me. So, I got the shocking blow that I'd be put on bed rest until Gage arrives... approximately eight weeks. For someone who can't slow down, let alone stop, I was a crying mess. Had about three hours to go back to work and tell them my news. I hated breaking the news as I love my coworkers and job, but it's what's best for Gage and me, so that's what needed to be done.
I've had some great friends offer up meals, movies, books, etc. to get me through the time. I know it'll be fine, but I'm having a hard time seeing Kim do EVERYTHING around the house. He doesn't mind, but it's hard for me to see him cook, clean, do laundry, get me things, try to have a normal night, work, etc. He's SUPERMAN!
I pray for patience and for my sweet Gage to continue to grow and stay in there until at least January 1. Why January 1? Well, it's a mental milestone for me to look forward to and also, that'll make him 36+ weeks so I know he'll be fine if he makes his appearance slightly early.
I've had some great friends offer up meals, movies, books, etc. to get me through the time. I know it'll be fine, but I'm having a hard time seeing Kim do EVERYTHING around the house. He doesn't mind, but it's hard for me to see him cook, clean, do laundry, get me things, try to have a normal night, work, etc. He's SUPERMAN!
I pray for patience and for my sweet Gage to continue to grow and stay in there until at least January 1. Why January 1? Well, it's a mental milestone for me to look forward to and also, that'll make him 36+ weeks so I know he'll be fine if he makes his appearance slightly early.
The waddling & third trimester begins
Well, today embarks my first day of the third trimester. I'm hoping this one is just as good as the past two. I've noticed myself waddling a bit lately, which is something I'm sure will get more and more noticable with time. I'm starting to slow things down a bit, which is really been hard, but I know it's best for me and Gage.
We started childbirth class this week, and let's just say Kim and I learned a lot! Wow! We have three more sessions this month to get through; we're hoping to be able to stomach some of those videos since we both have very weak stomachs. The first class went very well though.
I am getting quite large, but still keeping the weight gain to a reasonable 12 pounds in total. My feet began swelling two weeks ago, but thankfully it's hit and miss on when they do it and isn't a constant. Still enjoying beef for dinner and haven't had any weird cravings lately.
I went to hug Kim last night, and my stomach bounced off of him; it made us both crack up! Gage is moving like crazy and doesn't usually start until 3p.m. in the afternoon. I think he's going to have his dad's later schedule than my morning one! Kim's able to feel him move around and kick often. Last week when we woke up and were being lazy, I told him I hadn't felt Gage move for several minutes. So, what does Kim do... put his hand on my belly, talk to him and tell him he needed to move around. Instantly, he kicked! Guess he likes his daddy's voice/touch, which I love! How can he not; Kim is going to be the most amazing dad!
That's the quick summary of what's been going on and where we are. Hoping things keep progressing nicely. Here's my 28-week photo from tonight. More pics of the nursery and my first shower on Sunday coming soon.
24 weeks & growing
Today marks 24 weeks, and the stomach is for sure stretching as you can see in today's photo! I was actually told four times today at work how I've really popped out over the last week. Normally, some would get frustrated with a comment like that, but I've been thrilled with it!
Other than nasty hives on my stomach, arms and back for two weeks, life has been good. And, it's even better now that they are gone. I'm sleeping well with my body pillow and feel great during the day, too.
I had a routine check-up and all seems well thus far. My blood pressure was good, have gained 6 lbs. to-date, and the heartbeat was 140. He was a little stinker again, as he would move every time they placed the doppler on my stomach. I don't think he likes to be bothered! :) Nothing new to report from the doc. My next appointment will be the glucose test and check for iron levels.
I've been hungry a lot more lately and wanting BEEF of all things! Last night I ate my first steak, a New York Strip, and Kim thought it was hillarious.
Here's to another set of good weeks ahead!
Half way home and gender revealing
Kim and I had our 20-week sono today and learned Baby Picken is a BOY! We are so thrilled!
More importantly, baby measured at 20-weeks, 2 days and was looking great. Our doctor was pleased with everything he saw on the many photos our child got today... hopefully, he'll get used to getting his picture taken!
He was quite the mover and wouldn't stay still for anything. However, we got plenty of good hiney shots, and it's a boy for sure!
Below is my first pregnancy photo at 20-weeks, and I'll try to capture one every few weeks to see the progress.

More importantly, baby measured at 20-weeks, 2 days and was looking great. Our doctor was pleased with everything he saw on the many photos our child got today... hopefully, he'll get used to getting his picture taken!
He was quite the mover and wouldn't stay still for anything. However, we got plenty of good hiney shots, and it's a boy for sure!
Below is my first pregnancy photo at 20-weeks, and I'll try to capture one every few weeks to see the progress.

The week of many 'firsts'
Currently, I'm feeling fantastic and am doing well. I have a decent amount of energy; I wouldn't say I'm overly-energetic, but have enough to get me through the day and much of the night. I've been napping occasionally after work to get in an extra 60 minutes since I no longer sleep 'good' all night long. I've been picking up the house more than I used to, and I'm not sure what that's all about, but it's a good thing... especially to my neat-freak hubby.
The non-maternity pants are no longer being used, and I've transitioned over to the 'comfy' side! Life is good! On Tuesday, I wore my first maternity top to work, and the heads were turning. Obviously those who I'm close to at work complimented it and were happy I'm in this situation, and the others were trying to look and see if it was so, without being obvious. I chuckled quite a bit!
We bought our first baby item this week... a glider/recliner and ottoman. It's very sweet, and we'll be able to pick it up in a few weeks. Espresso wood and a khaki/goldish fabric. We couldn't resist the massive sale and were able to get it for an amazing deal. I'm just super glad Kim liked the one we got the most, just as I did!
Today brought me two 'firsts'. My hands are tingly today and swollen, so much that I can't even wear the very large knock-off ring I wear to still let others know I'm happily married. I guess it's just normal and part of the 'movement' and position of things on my nerves (that's what it said online for week 19). Then, at 1p.m., I felt the baby first kick while I was typing away at work. It felt like a little tap and some fluttering just below my belly button and immediately brought a smile to my face. God is truly amazing, and I'm so appreciative for this reminder that things are progressing as should be. I had to tell Kim first right away, and his response was that it must be a sign for him to draft a kicker early for his fantasy football team draft tonight! :)
Another first... I'm eating beef for the first time since I can remember. For those who know me REALLY well, you know this is insane. I absolutely hate beef and can't even look at it, let alone eat it. Only hamburgers for right now, but Kim is working on me to try steak... not a chance, Kim! Other than that I have been enjoying gummy worms and gummy bears. I'm not normally a candy person, so I crack myself up when I think about the munching on gummy bears at work at age 28! How professional! :)
We're counting down the days until September 9, 1p.m. arrives where we HOPE to learn the baby's gender. We're both very excited about it and have plans everyday from Friday until next Wednesday to help keep our minds off of it. I have a boy and girl name I'm really into, and Kim has told me he's going to start offering up suggestions when he knows what we're having. The gender, nor name, will be a secret, so we'll keep the friends/family posted once we know more.
The non-maternity pants are no longer being used, and I've transitioned over to the 'comfy' side! Life is good! On Tuesday, I wore my first maternity top to work, and the heads were turning. Obviously those who I'm close to at work complimented it and were happy I'm in this situation, and the others were trying to look and see if it was so, without being obvious. I chuckled quite a bit!
We bought our first baby item this week... a glider/recliner and ottoman. It's very sweet, and we'll be able to pick it up in a few weeks. Espresso wood and a khaki/goldish fabric. We couldn't resist the massive sale and were able to get it for an amazing deal. I'm just super glad Kim liked the one we got the most, just as I did!
Today brought me two 'firsts'. My hands are tingly today and swollen, so much that I can't even wear the very large knock-off ring I wear to still let others know I'm happily married. I guess it's just normal and part of the 'movement' and position of things on my nerves (that's what it said online for week 19). Then, at 1p.m., I felt the baby first kick while I was typing away at work. It felt like a little tap and some fluttering just below my belly button and immediately brought a smile to my face. God is truly amazing, and I'm so appreciative for this reminder that things are progressing as should be. I had to tell Kim first right away, and his response was that it must be a sign for him to draft a kicker early for his fantasy football team draft tonight! :)
Another first... I'm eating beef for the first time since I can remember. For those who know me REALLY well, you know this is insane. I absolutely hate beef and can't even look at it, let alone eat it. Only hamburgers for right now, but Kim is working on me to try steak... not a chance, Kim! Other than that I have been enjoying gummy worms and gummy bears. I'm not normally a candy person, so I crack myself up when I think about the munching on gummy bears at work at age 28! How professional! :)
We're counting down the days until September 9, 1p.m. arrives where we HOPE to learn the baby's gender. We're both very excited about it and have plans everyday from Friday until next Wednesday to help keep our minds off of it. I have a boy and girl name I'm really into, and Kim has told me he's going to start offering up suggestions when he knows what we're having. The gender, nor name, will be a secret, so we'll keep the friends/family posted once we know more.
Finally, we get to spill the beans!

Well, it's been an interesting past few months of working with our OB to figure out what's wrong with me. Little did we know... 3 1/2 yrs. later, that we had polycystic ovarian syndrome-totally normal and treatable with meds. So, we went to the doc every other day for about two weeks or so to get sonos to see if things were working. If not, I was going to start meds in June and start trying again in July.
So, we learned that one egg 'took' and was ready to ovulate (totally a God-thing b/c it hadn't done this EVER). We knew exactly when to try, and we got pregnant right away. We learned we were having a baby in late May. So, we have been keeping our secret for a while now and are 12 weeks pregnant. We've had two great sonos, one at six-weeks and the other at eight. Yesterday, we had the doppler heartbeat check, and we heard a strong 164/mn heartbeat. So, all is well and the news is all out!
It was great telling family last night, and we're excited for our friends to know of just how amazing it is to be blessed by God. We can't wait for our little bundle of joy in January!
So, we learned that one egg 'took' and was ready to ovulate (totally a God-thing b/c it hadn't done this EVER). We knew exactly when to try, and we got pregnant right away. We learned we were having a baby in late May. So, we have been keeping our secret for a while now and are 12 weeks pregnant. We've had two great sonos, one at six-weeks and the other at eight. Yesterday, we had the doppler heartbeat check, and we heard a strong 164/mn heartbeat. So, all is well and the news is all out!
It was great telling family last night, and we're excited for our friends to know of just how amazing it is to be blessed by God. We can't wait for our little bundle of joy in January!
Long time... finally hope & progress
So, ever since last time to ovulate (June 2008), I haven't been able to do it since. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions with my mom's illness and dog's death, but I think we've all recovered. I've been very encouraged by a very close group of people who have helped me get through this rough journey in our lives.
Thankfully, we're seeing progress. Last month, God decided to let me ovulate... when from 0.2 levels of progesterone to 12.6 in one month! Praise God! Didn't get pregnant, but we're excited my body worked on it's own this month, and we're back to the meds this week and trying next!
When I had my doc appointment on Day 21 (when levels went from 0.2 to 12.6)... I was unbelievable at peace. I entered the doors and my neighboor immediately welcomed me and asked how we were doing... my nurse cried w/me as she's going through the EXACT same thing, and my doc is amazing with my high-level of emotions. I just left leaving there calm and at peace... little did I know I'd learn about my levels during this peace.
So, things are looking up, and we're remaining positive. I just can't describe how wonderful a few of my friends have been as we're going through this. There are few people that can be sensitive to our feelings, and for that I'm very thankful. Kim remains the rock during these trials; he is SIMPLY AMAZING! God knew what he was doing when he brought Kim in my life!!!
Hoping my levels remain high this month, and perhaps we can get pregnant... we'll continue to wait and see.
My God is bigger than infertility!!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully, we're seeing progress. Last month, God decided to let me ovulate... when from 0.2 levels of progesterone to 12.6 in one month! Praise God! Didn't get pregnant, but we're excited my body worked on it's own this month, and we're back to the meds this week and trying next!
When I had my doc appointment on Day 21 (when levels went from 0.2 to 12.6)... I was unbelievable at peace. I entered the doors and my neighboor immediately welcomed me and asked how we were doing... my nurse cried w/me as she's going through the EXACT same thing, and my doc is amazing with my high-level of emotions. I just left leaving there calm and at peace... little did I know I'd learn about my levels during this peace.
So, things are looking up, and we're remaining positive. I just can't describe how wonderful a few of my friends have been as we're going through this. There are few people that can be sensitive to our feelings, and for that I'm very thankful. Kim remains the rock during these trials; he is SIMPLY AMAZING! God knew what he was doing when he brought Kim in my life!!!
Hoping my levels remain high this month, and perhaps we can get pregnant... we'll continue to wait and see.
My God is bigger than infertility!!!!!!!!!!
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