So, ever since last time to ovulate (June 2008), I haven't been able to do it since. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions with my mom's illness and dog's death, but I think we've all recovered. I've been very encouraged by a very close group of people who have helped me get through this rough journey in our lives.
Thankfully, we're seeing progress. Last month, God decided to let me ovulate... when from 0.2 levels of progesterone to 12.6 in one month! Praise God! Didn't get pregnant, but we're excited my body worked on it's own this month, and we're back to the meds this week and trying next!
When I had my doc appointment on Day 21 (when levels went from 0.2 to 12.6)... I was unbelievable at peace. I entered the doors and my neighboor immediately welcomed me and asked how we were doing... my nurse cried w/me as she's going through the EXACT same thing, and my doc is amazing with my high-level of emotions. I just left leaving there calm and at peace... little did I know I'd learn about my levels during this peace.
So, things are looking up, and we're remaining positive. I just can't describe how wonderful a few of my friends have been as we're going through this. There are few people that can be sensitive to our feelings, and for that I'm very thankful. Kim remains the rock during these trials; he is SIMPLY AMAZING! God knew what he was doing when he brought Kim in my life!!!
Hoping my levels remain high this month, and perhaps we can get pregnant... we'll continue to wait and see.
My God is bigger than infertility!!!!!!!!!!