Currently, I'm feeling fantastic and am doing well. I have a decent amount of energy; I wouldn't say I'm overly-energetic, but have enough to get me through the day and much of the night. I've been napping occasionally after work to get in an extra 60 minutes since I no longer sleep 'good' all night long. I've been picking up the house more than I used to, and I'm not sure what that's all about, but it's a good thing... especially to my neat-freak hubby.
The non-maternity pants are no longer being used, and I've transitioned over to the 'comfy' side! Life is good! On Tuesday, I wore my first maternity top to work, and the heads were turning. Obviously those who I'm close to at work complimented it and were happy I'm in this situation, and the others were trying to look and see if it was so, without being obvious. I chuckled quite a bit!
We bought our first baby item this week... a glider/recliner and ottoman. It's very sweet, and we'll be able to pick it up in a few weeks. Espresso wood and a khaki/goldish fabric. We couldn't resist the massive sale and were able to get it for an amazing deal. I'm just super glad Kim liked the one we got the most, just as I did!
Today brought me two 'firsts'. My hands are tingly today and swollen, so much that I can't even wear the very large knock-off ring I wear to still let others know I'm happily married. I guess it's just normal and part of the 'movement' and position of things on my nerves (that's what it said online for week 19). Then, at 1p.m., I felt the baby first kick while I was typing away at work. It felt like a little tap and some fluttering just below my belly button and immediately brought a smile to my face. God is truly amazing, and I'm so appreciative for this reminder that things are progressing as should be. I had to tell Kim first right away, and his response was that it must be a sign for him to draft a kicker early for his fantasy football team draft tonight! :)
Another first... I'm eating beef for the first time since I can remember. For those who know me REALLY well, you know this is insane. I absolutely hate beef and can't even look at it, let alone eat it. Only hamburgers for right now, but Kim is working on me to try steak... not a chance, Kim! Other than that I have been enjoying gummy worms and gummy bears. I'm not normally a candy person, so I crack myself up when I think about the munching on gummy bears at work at age 28! How professional! :)
We're counting down the days until September 9, 1p.m. arrives where we HOPE to learn the baby's gender. We're both very excited about it and have plans everyday from Friday until next Wednesday to help keep our minds off of it. I have a boy and girl name I'm really into, and Kim has told me he's going to start offering up suggestions when he knows what we're having. The gender, nor name, will be a secret, so we'll keep the friends/family posted once we know more.