
Faithful Myrtle

So, I just need to get some things off my chest. I learned today and yesterday that a co-worker's wife and my really good coworker friend are both expecting. I hate to say I'll be dreading the lunch conversation each day, because that isn't true, but it's so hard to swallow. I truly am very happy for them both! I constantly pray that bumps like this in the road won't get me down and that I remain positive. So far, so good... but it's so hard to hear all the time.

I recently read an excerpt of my mom's devotional, which talked about how God is always opening doors. And how we just need to realize this and be ready for the next door in His timing. I 100 percent agree God is in control of this situation, and since He hasn't closed any doors, I'm putting my faith forward and believing He'll open one for Kim and I for a baby. I'm not overly anxious and impatient as I once was... it's just the emotional side of it that can get to you, ya know!

So, while I'm not Fertile Myrtle like most people I know and am surrounded by, I am a Faithful Myrtle and will continue to pray my faith continues and my attitude stays good.

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

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